Expectations of my manager
2 min readMar 2, 2021
I expect my manager to be…
Clear, respectful, and supportive
- I expect to be treated like an adult and not a child
- I expect my manager to have “candor, humility, and trust”
- I expect my manager to be direct and straight with me (don’t beat around the bush)
- I expect to be autonomous (“Drive” by Daniel H. Pink)
- Don’t micromanage me (Theory Y)
- I expect my manager to prioritize the team first, and me second
- Show empathy
- Help me succeed (e.g., identify and provide me with opportunities to grow)
“Kind” rather than “nice”
- I don’t want my manager to be a “people-pleaser”
- I expect difficult conversations
- Constructive conflict is expected and should not be avoided
- Issues should be confronted immediately
- I want to be told what I need to hear rather than what I want to hear (e.g., why I can’t be promoted, feedback on my blunders, etc.)
My “boss” rather than my “friend”
- I expect the relationship to be “professional”
- A line must be drawn
- Conflicts of interest must be minimized
- I expect my manager to do what’s best for the team
- I expect my manager to hold me accountable
- In a scenario where there are multiple opinions, I expect my manager to be the tie-breaker
- I expect my manager to align the team and create clarity
- I expect my manager to remove blockers and move things forward
Do you agree or disagree with my expectations? What expectations do you have?