How to create a podcast
2 min readSep 21, 2020
Come up with a topic.
Find guest(s) to interview.
Write a script:
- A detailed script leaves less room for error and nervousness, but the conversation will be less organic and spontaneous
- Use an outline for more improvised discussions
- Don’t forget that mistakes can be edited out
Remember to:
- Tell a story
- Keep it informative
- Stay consistent with your style
Get a good microphone (headset or USB microphone).
Download Audacity:
Pick an online voice provider:
Find a good time and place to record. Make sure there are no background noises (machines are off, window is shut, etc.).
Perform a test recording. Play it back for quality control.
- Host and guest record audio separately
- Expect latency on the web
- Clap at the beginning to sync the audio
Audio cleaning:
- Trim unnecessary pauses
- Cut out fillers like “uhs” and “ums”
- Remove background noise
- Delete clicks with iZotope RX De-click
- Normalize audio
Review audio:
- Make sure flow and delivery is good
- Listen on multiple devices to verify quality (cheap/expensive headphones and speakers)
- Playback at low audio as a litmus test
See article “How to publish a podcast for free”.
For podcast discoverability:
- Use social media
- Publish a written article (there are free and paid transcription tools that can convert your audio into text)
- Upload videos